Web Design by Damir Uzun


  Date of birth: 09.05.1970.
  Place of birth: Zagreb
  Residence: Palit 161b, 51280 Rab - Croatia
  Phone: +385 (0)51 724 475
  Mobile: +385 (0)98 276 119
  E-mail: tkalecdenis842@gmail.com
  Sex: male
  Nationality: Croatian
Active languages:   
Passive languages:

WORK EXPERIENCE RO-RO passenger ship position bosun
   RO-RO passenger ship 837 BT position bosun
   RO-RO passenger ship1200 GT, position bosun
   RO-RO ship 353 GT, position officer
   RO-RO passenger ship 1200 GT
   Position AB seaman

EDUCATION AND TRAINING 1990 - 1995 mechanic engineer on Zagreb University
   Master of a ship up to 500 GT on near-coastal voyages
   Officer in charge of the navigational watch on a ship up to 500 GT STCW II/3
   Ship security officer
   Marine environmental awareness
   Use of leadership and managerial skills
   Dangerous and hazardous substances in solid form in bulk and in packaged form
   Able seafarer deck
   Proficiency in survival craft and rescue boats operations STCW VI/2 GMDSS ROC IV/2
   Basic training STCW VI/1
   Rating forming a part of the navigational watch STCW II/4
   Advanced fire-fighting STCW VI/2
   Passenger ship safety V/2
   Medical first aid certificate VI/2
   Radar observer
   Safety training on communication in emergency situations and life saving appliances
Communication skills Working on board RO-RO ferries on different positions, gained excellent communicational
   skills mainly as an Liason between ship and Company and on behalf of Master,
   link between ship, Company and third parties
   (harbour master Offices, classification societies..)

Organisational / managerial skills Interchange between different levels and positions on board through my career path,
   starting from AB to Bosun and lately to Chief Officer position, able to organise,
   guide and lead crewmembers in executing jobs
   and tasks regardless of severity and demands

Job-related skills As a Chief Officer on board RO-RO vessel - in charge for ship's stability matter and safety of all solves on board, regular maintenance and inspection of life-saving equipment and appliances. Also involved in navigational aspects of the vessel as an OOW, in-charge for navigational and radio equipment on. Occasionally, on Masters discretion, leading manoeuvring operation of the ship.
   As an A/B and Bosun, always step ahead of my team mates, making sure that safe operation procedures are followed and working culture and discipline is maintained as per Company policies

Computer skills Every day use of personal computer and smart technology products followed by use of different Microsoft packages mainly for communication between ship and shore as well as monitoring and executing planned maintenance system tasks

Other skills Working on different levels and positions on board, besides navigational and organisational skills, mainly as a deckhand, very skilful with different jobs that are to be performed on deck such as carpentry, plumbing, rope operations and handling, painting and many others

Driving licence Yes, category B

Damir Uzun - GSM: +385 91 3535-350          E-mail: damir.uzun@gmail.com         Domain www.crocharter.com is FOR SALE